What is Soil Therapy Compost?
Soil Therapy Compost™ (STC) is a soil amendment/conditioner, that replenishes depleted soils and improves soil health, by supplying vital nutrients and beneficial microbes to the root structure of plants and within the soil itself. Through a slow-release formula, STC significantly increases the organic content in any soil structure.
Made from a mixture of treated biosolids and wood materials such as wood chips, limbs, and yard trimmings, STC biosolids come from the wastewater treatment processes of a coalition of member cities with a strong desire to protect the environment. Wood materials needed for the composting process are collected throughout a three-county area from a number of sources. This process truly completes the recycling process by keeping an estimated 170,000 tons of biosolid and wood waste material from entering local landfills over the past 20 years.
Using compost also helps to protect water quality because it retains a large volume of water, helping to prevent and reduce erosion and runoff, by establishing vegetation, which acts as a filter, retaining pollutants such as heavy metals, oil and grease, fuels, herbicides, and pesticides.
STC goes through a series of processes including a naturally-occurring thermal treatment procedure for pathogen reduction, a screening process to meet size requirements, and a curing process to further ensure a high-quality stable compost, all regulated by the TCEQ and tested by a third party for quality control.
Using Soil Therapy Products

Contact Us!
- Phone:
- 903-584-3415
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- Soil Therapy Compost
2901 N John Redditt Dr.
Lufkin, Texas 75904
New Lawns:
Prepare the area to receive Soil Therapy Compost by removing the excess debris, limbs, and roots. With a rake or shovel, level any high or low spots, filling in ruts or wash outs with STC, if necessary.
Lay out and empty the contents of Soil Therapy Compost approximately 3' -4' apart in a checkerboard pattern over the entire lawn
Spread the Soil Therapy Compost. Using a tiller, till the compost into the native soil to a depth of 4 - 6 inches. Be sure to thoroughly mix Soil Therapy Compost into the native soil, this may take two to three passes with the tiller.
Using a broadcast spreader, apply the seed of your choice to the new topsoil and rake in. For sod grasses, layout squares of sod so that each end seam is offset. Add generous amounts of water and watch it grow.
Flowers Bed or Garden:
For new beds and gardens, prepare the area by removing as much sod, grass, and roots as possible. For existing beds and gardens, remove the old bark chips or wood chips as well as any fabric barrier that may exist.
Apply an even layer of Soil Therapy Compost to the entire bed and incorporate into existing soil. Make sure the finished bed height is higher than the surrounding soil to accommodate adequate drainage.
Lay out plants according to size and color preference. With a spade, dig a hole deep and wide enough to receive the root ball of that particular plant, making sure to leave the root flare of the plant exposed.
Once all of the plants have been planted, backfill any low spots and apply Soil Therapy Compost to achieve an even, slightly mounded surface. Install any edging that you prefer and water thoroughly.

Existing Lawn:
Using a walk behind spreader, evenly apply Soil Therapy Compost in a uniform manner making sure to cover the entire lawn.
Using Soil Therapy Compost fill in any bald spots, low spots, holes, or thinning areas. Apply grass seed or sod as needed.
Water thoroughly several days before your next mowing cycle.
STC Product Disclaimer
Soil Therapy Bio-Solid Compost is a special blend of processed bio-solids, and organic materials, including recycled forest products, yard trimmings, and perlite. Soil Therapy Bio-Solid Compost contains stabilized nutrients derived from bio-solids production in concentrations that may vary.
Soil Therapy Bio-Solid Compost is produced by the Angelina & Neches River Authority at its Neches Compost Facility located in Cherokee County. Soil Therapy Bio-Solid Compost is a bio-solid compost produced within strict guidelines regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Soil Therapy Bio-Solid Compost consistently exceeds those quality standards.
STC Limit of Liability
The following warranties replace all other warranties. ANRA expressly disclaims all other warranties, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No agent or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty.